how to get into hacking

 so hello guys i assume that you all must be fascinated by programming languages and would have taken interest in programming because of some scene in  a movie where you saw a guy just smashing the keyboard and doing some things the common man cant do, such as hacking into people's phones and all sorts of things. but let me break the myth to u, it is actually very difficult to do those things. most of those things are what is called vulnerabilities in the code. so when a programmer writes a code it has certain vulnerabilities in it. those are essentialy mistakes the developer does while writing the code,  a hacker reads the code and tries to find those mistakes through which he can enter the system of the host and plant his own code inside the system to get full/partial control of the system. because most of the systems today have become so advanced a lot of hackers are unable to enter a system without external help.

so this help comes in the form of social engineering. social engineering  is a big part of being a hacker, u need to  make friends and extract valuable data from them. any hacker that does this with the intent of causing harm  or for his own benefit is termed as a black hat hacker. while hackers that think like black hat hackers but are actually working for a company to better protect their systems from black hat hackers are called white hat hackers. hacking is actually a boring job if u only want to cause some harm or make some quick money. to start hacking u can start by installing kalilinux/parrot os on a vm or virtual machine, this is not a pre reqquiste but if u have a habit of these os from start,it will help u a lot. now u can do start reading some books  that u can buy from amazon or watch some YouTube videos


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